Friday, May 11, 2018

Messier 42 (Orion nebula)

Messier 42 (Orion nebula) is difficult to image and process due to it's bright intensity.  Three different imaging sequences were combined to produce this image in Pixinsight.  Again the Takahashi 85 FSQ telescope was used with the Astrophysics Mach 1 GTO mount.  The imaging was performed in the Shenandoah National Park dark site.

NGC 2239 (Rosette nebula)

NGC 2239 (Rosette nebula)  5,000 light-years from Earth and is 130 light years in diameter.   This image was obtained in Shenandoah National Park over three nights using a Takahashi 85 FSQ telescope and  Astrophysics Mach 1 GTO mount. Over 100 stacked images were processed in Pixinsight.

Messier 33 - Triangulum galaxy

Messier 33 (Triangulum galaxy) is 2.4 - 3.1  million light years away from earth and contains contains about 40 billion stars, which is significantly less than the Milky Way (400 billion) and Andromeda Galaxy (1 trillion).  This image was obtained in the dark zone of Shenandoah National Park over three nights and consists of 6 hours of imaging using Mach 1 GTO mount and Takahashi FSQ 85 ED telescope. The data was processed in Pixinsight and Photoshop Elements.