Friday, June 2, 2017

Deep Sky Imaging

The rain and moon have been difficult for the past few weeks since the new telescope and mount have arrived.  The learning curve has also been steep.  Here is the first acquisition obtained in Shenandoah National Park over two nights, 138 minutes of imaging.

Technical card:

        Telescope:  Takahashi 85ED FSQ
        Mount:         Astrophysics Mach 1 GTO with CP4
        Imaging Camera:  Nikon D750 (unmodded)
        Mounting Rings:    95mm Prima Luce
        Guiding Camera:   Unguided
        Software:    Cartes du Ciel

                           Backyard Nikon
                           Deep Sky Stacker
                           Adobe Lightroom
        Dates:      May 16, 
2017 and May 18, 2017
        Frames:   23 @ 6minutes (2.3 hours)
        Location:  Shenandoah National Park, VA  USA